Going into a project, it’s important to understand what constitutes success. Everyone on the team will arrive with their own notions of what success looks like. In this exercise, you’ll define the objectives of the project you are working on so that all involved will understand the goals. This exercise helps define a project’s guard rails to determine which activities to include and which to not include in the Design Sprint.
Today’s Design Sprint Short is on goals and anti-goals. Goals include outcomes that you might want to achieve from the Design Sprint. While anti-goals, as the name implies, describe outcomes you do not want to achieve. It’s important not to try and list features or too many goals. Your team will go nuts trying to achieve them all!
Watch this week’s Design Sprint Short
See all the videos in the series
Wait, what’s Fresh Tilled Soil doing on ADK?
Fresh Tilled Soil (FTS) was one of the Northeast’s premier user experience and product design agencies. In 2019, FTS joined forces with the technologists at ADK to create one of the most proven digital product teams in the space! Learn more here.