This week we’re going to cover the activity we call Assumption Storming. Yes, this is an alternative to the F-A-Q exercise from last week.
You’re probably thinking “is this brainstorming for assumptions?” and you’d be right. That’s exactly what it is. If a product (or a feature of a product) fails, most likely there was a wrong assumption made along the way. The key is to call out these faulty assumptions earlier rather than later in the process.
Remember an assumption is a statement of fact without evidence to support it. Don’t be worried about rushing this activity. You will be referencing these assumptions throughout the rest of the sprint so it’s important to take the time early on to get this right.
Watch this week’s Design Sprint Short
See all the videos in the series
Wait, what’s Fresh Tilled Soil doing on ADK?
Fresh Tilled Soil (FTS) was one of the Northeast’s premier user experience and product design agencies. In 2019, FTS joined forces with the technologists at ADK to create one of the most proven digital product teams in the space! Learn more here.